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Tainan Attractions

I-FA Dorm 員工宿舍是個空間分享的工作室,房間內共有四間客(套)、三間(雅)房供房客預定。省道1號旁的巷子住宅區裡,周遭不僅環境幽靜,夜晚時不怕無聊,附有桌上遊戲、零食、飲水機供房客使用,而附近也鄰近台南文化中心、大東夜市以及崇德路上眾多小吃,讓房客方便購買,歡迎來到台灣美食之都-台南,既可吃遍台南、逛遍大街小巷更有三級古蹟供你/妳欣賞。

I-FA Dorm staff quarters sharing a studio space, a total of four guest room (suite), three (ya) to book rooms for tenants.Located in a residential area of the alley next to the Highway No. 1, the surrounding environment is not only quiet, afraid of boring at night, with table games, snacks, drinking fountains for tenant use, and nearby hotels near Tainan Municipal Cultural Center, Dadong night market and Zonta road many snacks, let the tenant to facilitate the purchase, Welcome to both of Taiwanese cuisine - Tainan, Tainan can eat around, stroll the streets and more three monuments for you / u enjoy.



開放時間:AM8:30-PM5:30 (可同時參觀德記洋行與安平樹屋)

門票:全票50、半票25 (台南市市民憑身分證免費)

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